Why You Should Consider Selling Your Agency Now + 3 Factors That Will Increase Your Value to Buyers

Most entrepreneurs go into business for themselves because they don’t want to work for someone else anymore! Unfortunately, many agency owners end up working for a new boss: their business.

Instead of the freedom they originally planned on, they find themselves in the frustrating trap of working for their business instead of on their business. Or worse yet: they become a slave to the ever changing whims of their clients.

Sound familiar?

If this story rings a bell, or you are simply finding yourself growing bored… I have good news! Selling your agency is more profitable than ever, but only if you do it right.

The 9 Critical Lead Nurturing Truths That Will Crush Agencies Who Don’t Have Plan

We live in a world that is drowning in marketing noise. It’s everywhere: on TV, in our inboxes, online, and more than ever, on social media. Everywhere you look, something is being sold.

Unfortunately, the days of successfully gaining leads through cold calls, email blasts, and pushy sales tactics are long gone.

Sometimes it might seem impossible to shout above the noise loud enough to gain (and then keep) the attention of your ideal customer.

Enter the pivotal concept of lead nurturing.