This Is A Game Changer For My Business

Want Results Like These? Let’s See If It’s A Fit To Work Together!

Customer: Justin Grier


Justin has been in the agency industry for 8 years. Before meeting Robb I was chasing clients and doing everything while catering to every client’s needs. 

The same issue of the clients not being able to capitalize on results keeps coming up. 

Justin was a little skeptical at first and wondered if it would get him the results he needed. 

He joined and was immediately blown away. Within two weeks he pulled in 2-3 test clients from niches he had zero experience with. For all 3 clients, we got amazing results within a week. 

Nurture & Close made everything simpler on an agency, scalability, and revenue level. This is my best year ever, in 8 years because of using Robb and his team to build the foundation. 

In this video Justin shares:

  • How his agency ran around in circles for 8 years before working with Robb.
  • What it was like to be able to brand into new niches and get results for his clients right out the gate.
  • What led to 2020 being on track to be his agency’s best year yet.


[00:00:00] Hey, what’s going on guys. Uh, I am Justin Greer and just wanted to give a quick shout out to Robb Bailey, uh, and his whole team and his programs of, uh, Nurture & Close and also agency alchemy. Um, a little bit of background on us. So I’ve been in the agency industry for going on. Uh, this is a year number eight that we’ve been in business.

[00:00:21] Um, before I met up with Robb and his team, uh, we’re, we’re pretty much like every agency out there, you know, kind of chasing. Uh, any lead, we can get any prospect coming to the door, um, doing everything, you know, web design, all the Legion stuff, you know, pretty much catering to every need. Um, and we got it all the time.

[00:00:40] You know, we can drive leads in the door every day, but there was always the same issue of the clients not being able to capitalize on those leads because something was missing in the backend, whether that was there. Follow up process or their sales process. Um, 99% of the time, it was just a poor follow-up process.

[00:00:56] So, um, came across some of Robb’s stuff and was immediately intrigued about, you know, what they had going on over there. And, um, you know, kinda had saw some other guys using it, saw some success there and was pretty skeptical at first, you know, was kind of thinking like, Hey, is this something that’s actually gonna help?

[00:01:15] Um, is it legit? Right? Cause there’s all those kinds of programs out there that, that we always wonder about. And kind of what sort of, you know, info is going to be in there and, and kind of, is it going to be that instant gratification that we’re generally seeking? And, um, for the price point, I was like, you know what, like, I’m going to get a shot, see what this guy is all about, see what his programs are like and, um, hopped into it.

[00:01:39] Got onboarded quick, kind of really dove in head first and. Was immediately blown away with, uh, the campaigns and everything that was pretty much plug and play. And it was probably maybe two weeks into it. Uh, once I really started to kind of dig in a bit, uh, that we pulled in two or three test clients just to see kind of how the campaigns worked.

[00:02:00] Um, these were industries that I really had never worked in before. I didn’t really have any, uh, you know, uh, experience in. And just went in head first with it. And for all three clients, we saw absolutely amazing results like within a week. Um, so at that point, like I was sold. So, uh, since then, you know, I’ve pushed in and actually jumped in higher to his agency alchemy program.

[00:02:25] Uh, and there we get, you know, a ton of extra benefit, uh, and the value was a no brainer at that point, once we had kind of seen. You know, what was happening in the program. So, um, with the Nurture & Close, like I said, it’s been a game changer for, for our agency, uh, for my team and I, and makes things so much more simpler on an agency level on a client level and on a scalability level.

[00:02:48] So if you’re on the fence, if you’re thinking about it, like definitely jump into it, um, you know, and check it out. This year to date. I mean, I can honestly say that this has been my best year in business, you know, over the course of eight or nine years, uh, which is crazy. And we’ve just started to scratch the surface with the nurture and closed campaigns, um, and, and platforms and everything that are in place.

[00:03:11] And, uh, 2020 is looking. Awesome. And I’m really stoked to kind of see where we can take this. We’ve got a lot of stuff. Um, you know, plan a and I can’t thank Robb and his team enough for putting those, those pieces in play, um, and helping us kind of build that fan foundation. So again, yeah, Robb team, you guys are awesome.

[00:03:30] Keep rocking it.